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Kootenay Indian Residential School

also known as St. Eugene Mission


Although there were numerous residential schools around the province and country, this website will provide information about the local Residential School in the Kootenays.

Residential Schools


Residential Schools were commissioned by the Canadian Government to take the "indian" out of the child and assimilate First Nations peoples to European ways of life and religion. First Nations children were taken from their homes and families and sent to live at these schools in select locations. Many of these children suffered great hardships and abuse during these times. In order to move forward from this history and make things right, we must first learn about it. The newly redesigned BC Curriculum brings this topic to our students to promote understanding and respect of First Nations peoples. 


For more background information about Residential Schools, please view the following resources:


They Came For The Children
Project Heart
Legacy of Hope
Reconciliation Canada
Where Are the Children
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