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Terms to Know:

Code: a set of words, numbers, or blocks that tell a computer what to do.

Community: a place to share your work, view others' work, and to give and receive feedback on projects in Scratch.

Remix: to take a project and change or add to it.

Scripts Area: the area in Scratch where you can drag code blocks to (right).

Sprite: a character or object in Scratch.

Stage: the area in Scratch where you can watch your creation (top left of screen).

Why use Scratch?

There are many coding programs available. Scratch is one that is more user friendly because of its use of coding blocks (similar to LEGO blocks). It is also FREE to use! Users are able to see the computer code they create, but they are able to hide it for simplicity, too. Scratch offers tutorials to create starter projects such as animations, games, interactive art, music and dance, stories, and video sensing (using a webcam). Once users are comfortable using the Scratch platform they are able to create and design their own projects. The community created in Scratch allows users to view other projects, comment, and remix or collaborate with others from all over the world!


This is Sprite, the Scratch mascot and default character. Users can choose different sprites from the Scratch database, create their own, or upload their favourite picture to use. The customizable options in Scratch are numerous!

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