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Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies
  • Designs grow out of natural curiosity.

  • Skills can be developed through play.

  • Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities.

Career Education
  • Confidence develops through the process of self-discovery.

  • Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication.


Arts Education
  • Explore elements, processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools, and techniques of the arts.

  • Interpret how symbols are used through the arts.

  • Experience, document and share creative works in a variety of ways.

English Language Arts
  • Playing with language helps us discover how language works.

  • Create stories and other texts to deepen awareness of self, family, and community.

  • Number represents and describes quantity: Quantities can be decomposed into smaller parts.

  • Developing computational fluency comes from a strong sense of number: One-to-one correspondence and a sense of 5 and 10 are essential for working with numbers.

  • We use patterns to represent identified regularities and to form generalizations: Repeating elements can be identified.

  • Analyzing data and chance help us to compare and interpret: Familiar events can be described as likely or unlikely.

  • Questioning & Predicting - Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world.

  • Processing & Analyzing Data and Information - Represent observations and ideas by drawing charts and simple pictographs.

  • Applying & Innovating - Transfer and apply learning to new situations; Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving.

  • Communicating - Share observations and ideas orally.

Physical & Health Education
  • Identify personal skills, interests, and preferences.

Social Studies
  • Ask questions, make inferences, and draw conclusions about the content and features of different types of sources.

  • Sequence objects, images, and events, and distinguish between what has changed and what has stayed the same. 

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